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was $159 now $159
was $149 now $149
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Shoes should never be an afterthought, which is why color can be as important as design and material. Men's blue shoes can elevate an outfit, with styles such as our grey-blue suede Oxfords and Derbys bringing extra panache to a black or charcoal suit. Complement your stylish footwear with a pale-blue shirt or tie. Over the weekend, step into a pair of vintage-style sneakers in navy leather, or relax on the deck in your soft suede boat shoes.
Here at Charles Tyrwhitt, our shoes are carefully crafted using the best materials. Features such as cork fillers ensure they're the last word in comfort, while fabrics such as quality calf leather are both soft and hard-wearing. Goodyear-welted soles can be repaired or replaced, letting you keep your favorite pair for years and years.