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Après avoir achevé son service dans la Royal Navy en 1976, S.M. le roi Charles III a créé The Prince’s Trust. Dédiée à l’amélioration de la vie des jeunes au Royaume-Uni, cette association caritative les aide à développer leur confiance en eux, leurs compétences et leurs perspectives d’emploi. Le prince de Galles d’alors a utilisé son indemnité de départ - 7 400 £ - pour financer une série de 21 initiatives, et c’est ainsi que The Trust est née. En septembre 2020, 44 ans plus tard, The Trust a franchi une étape significative en apportant son aide à son millionième jeune au Royaume-Uni. Je suis très fier des 450 000 £ collectés par Charles Tyrwhitt pour The Trust depuis 2017, année du début de notre partenariat. Et c’est un grand honneur d’assurer la présidence de The Prince’s Trust Enterprise Fellowship. Je ne me suis toujours pas remis de mon trajet à vélo de Land’s End à John O’Groats en septembre 2017, qui a permis de recueillir des fonds pour cette association caritative remarquable. En ce week-end spécial du couronnement, nous sommes plus fiers que jamais de soutenir l’association caritative de Sa Majesté et les jeunes auxquels elle apporte son aide depuis des années. Que Dieu protège le Roi. Nick Wheeler OBE Fondateur, Propriétaire et Officier de l’ordre de l’Empire Britannique (OBE),Charles Tyrwhitt
Another year, another Million Makers! Tyrwhitt's team 'Wheeler's Dealers' have enrolled in a 'Dragon's Den' style fundraising challenge with The Prince's Trust. The task is simple - we must turn a seed investment into as much money as possible with all kinds of fundraising initiatives. Competing against other teams around the UK, the collective goal is to reach £1,000,000 for The Trust and the young people it supports. If you'd like to donate, you can buy our Bag for Life online and in-store - sustainably made from recycled bottles. £1 from every sale until December 31st will go to The Prince’s Trust. You can also donate at checkout online through our partnership with Pennies, or in any UK Tyrwhitt store at the till thanks to Ayden Giving. Ts&Cs: Bag for Life: Charles Tyrwhitt will donate £1 from every sale to The Prince’s Trust to support young people to transform their lives (up to an estimated £8,000 between July 5th – December 31st 2023). The Prince’s Trust is a registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter in England and Wales (1079675) and Scotland (SC041198).Pennies: Every Penny you give between July 1st and December 31st 2023 goes to charity. 90% goes to The Prince's Trust (a registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter in England and Wales 1079675 and Scotland SC041198) and 10% to Pennies (registered charity no. 1122489).
From baking to biking, running to hiking, our fundraising has involved hundreds of Tyrwhitteers and their friends and family. Since our relationship began in 2017, we’re proud to have raised over £450,000 for this amazing charity. Raising money for The Trust is our main aim, but the camaraderie, health and wellbeing benefits that we get from taking part in these fundraising challenges are just as important to us! The biggest event we partake in every year has to be Palace to Palace - The Trust's annual charity bike ride starting at Buckingham Palace, ending in Windsor. We've got big plans for the race this year, so watch this space!
At least twice a year, we welcome young people into Tyrwhitt places of work as part of The Prince’s Trust's 'Team Programme'. These experience days are designed to help young people at risk of leaving education with no qualifications. When we tell our guests not all of us at Tyrwhitt took the academic route to get where we are today, we hope this inspires confidence that traditional paths aren't the only way to success. We talk CVs, interview skills and how to make a good first impression, and we throw a little roleplay into the mix. We show the young people around our stores, and they get the chance to meet our owner and founder Nick, to ask any questions they might have for him! We always receive really positive feedback about our WOW tours and often have the same schools request to come back each year! Our success is down to our people who are always willing to give up their time and the benefit of their experience to help others.
We also support young people when we donate our fabulous products. We really believe a great outfit is a great boost of confidence - whether that's for a special occasion or a formal event. Most recently, a young person supported by The Prince’s Trust was invited to the coronation of HM King Charles III. We were thrilled that Hassan let us dress him - and we think you'll agree he looks very dapper next to Prince’s Trust ambassadors, Ant and Dec! When Hassan, aged 24, was forced to flee his home in Syria due to the war, he and his family were given refugee status and rehomed in Ireland in 2017. Since then, he's transformed his life with support from The Trust. He now studies engineering at university and is helping vulnerable people from migrant and refugee backgrounds, so that they in turn can have the opportunity to live a better life.
This year we’re delighted to be taking part in Million Makers; a Dragon’s Den style entrepreneurial fundraising challenge with The Prince’s Trust. Between August and December, our ‘Team Tyrwhitt to Win it’ have been tasked with turning a seed investment into as much money as possible, through a series of innovative fundraising initiatives. Competing against other teams and businesses across the UK, they have the collective goal of reaching £1,000,000 (and more!) for The Prince's Trust; which will help change the lives of young people who need it most. If you’d like to support The Prince’s Trust and our Million Makers team, you can buy our limited edition Knotted Cufflinks online and in-store. 100% of the profits will go to The Prince's Trust. A big thank you for your generosity and for helping us give young people the opportunities and future they deserve. T&Cs: Cufflinks: Charles Tyrwhitt will donate 100% of profits to The Prince’s Trust to support young people to transform their lives (after allocation of cost of product, shipping and operating expenses, up to a maximum of £6,000 between August 1st – December 31st 2022. The Prince’s Trust is a registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter in England and Wales (1079675) and Scotland (SC041198).
The Prince’s Trust estime que chaque jeune devrait avoir la chance de réussir, quels que soient ses antécédents ou les défis auxquels il est confronté. Nous aidons les jeunes issus de communautés défavorisées, et ceux qui font face aux plus grandes difficultés, en leur permettant d’acquérir la confiance et les compétences nécessaires pour vivre, apprendre et gagner de l’argent. Les cours proposés par The Trust aident les jeunes âgés de 11 à 30 ans à développer des compétences essentielles à la vie quotidienne, à se préparer au travail et à accéder à des opportunités d’emploi. Nous les aidons à trouver du travail, car le fait d’avoir un emploi ou de gérer une entreprise peut mener à une vie plus stable et plus épanouissante. Depuis la création de The Trust par S.M. le Roi en 1976, alors qu’il était S.A.R. le prince de Galles, nous avons aidé plus d’un million de jeunes au Royaume-Uni. Trois jeunes sur quatre ainsi soutenus ont trouvé un emploi, suivi des études ou reçu une formation au cours de ces cinq dernières années. Notre engagement : permettre à un nombre toujours plus important de jeunes de se construire un meilleur avenir. En aidant les jeunes aujourd'hui, les bénéfices pour eux, leurs communautés et l'économie en général se feront sentir dans les années à venir. De plus amples informations sur The Prince's Trust sont disponibles sur le site princes-trust.org.uk ou au 0800 842 842.